Update: Corey Lake Inter County Drain Commision

On Tuesday 11/10/2020 Diane L., Howard H. & Jim K. represented Harwood Lake during a virtual meeting with the Drain Commissioners from Both Cass & St.Joseph County’s along with the Lawyer & Engineers that have been contracted to do this Project.

Due to many factors Proposal No.4 which includes a gravity drain being installed on Long Lake has been ruled out which is great news for us ! Proposal 3 which includes Long Lake to Continue to pump their water to Clear Lake and repairing the current drainage from Clear Lake to Mud / Kaiser and the Peterson Drain was proposed and voted on and approved by the Commissioners.

To sum things up basically the Water flow and course will remain the same with improved / updated drainage. This is Harwood Lakes best case scenario as we will have no Environmental impact.

Jim K.